Media Audio Element

Media Audio Element

Audio element with playback controls and optional caption.


Install the following dependencies:

npm install @udecode/plate-media @udecode/plate-resizable @udecode/plate-selection

Copy and paste the following code into your project.

Get the code ->

Update the import paths to match your project setup.



Upload Files

Our editor supports various media types for upload, including images, videos, audio, and files.
Use the backslash (/) to insert the upload.


  • Type "/image" to insert the image.
  • Upload by clicking the button or use "Embed link" to insert a URL.
  • Resize images using the vertical edge bars.
  • Use top-right corner options to: align, caption, expand, download, or modify the block.


  • Type "/video" to insert the video.
  • Upload or embed a video URL.
  • Resize videos using the vertical edge bars.
  • Use top-right corner options to: align, caption, view original, or modify the block.


  • Type "/audio" to insert the audio.
  • Upload or embed an audio URL.
  • Use the top-right corner to access the block menu and modify the audio block.


  • Type "/file" to insert the file.
  • Upload or embed a file URL.
  • Use the top-right corner to access the block menu and modify the file block.

You can upload multiple files simultaneously to boost your productivity!